Special Status Species
SBI conducts surveys, habitat assessments and population studies for special status species protected under the California State and Federal Endangered Species Acts. In recent years, SBI has expanded beyond its original focus on northern California herpetology to include other disciplines such as aquatic and terrestrial ecology, and botany. In addition to conducting field surveys for amphibians, reptiles, fish, birds and mammals, SBI performs habitat assessments and suitability analysis for a wide range of special-status plant and animal species.
SBI biologists have expertise with a wide range of special status wildlife species and currently hold appropriate state and/or federal permits to conduct studies and recovery actions for those indicated (*). The following is a partial list of species with which the SBI staff has expertise.
- San Francisco garter snake*
- Alameda whipsnake*
- Giant garter snake*
- California legless lizard
- Western pond turtle
- Desert tortoise
- California red-legged frog*
- California tiger salamander*
- Foothill yellow-legged frog*
- Mountain yellow-legged frog
- Western spadefoot
- Arroyo toad
- Santa Cruz long-toed salamander
- Western burrowing owl
- San Joaquin kit fox
- Vernal pool branchiopods*